
2022年10月31日—MargaeryTyrellisn'tsomeonewhoiswillingtobelievelies,evenwhentheymightbetoheradvantage.Inthisquote,sherevealsjusthowmuch ...,Iknowwhataburdenyoubear.Youshouldletmesharetheload.TheremustbesomethingsIcoulddotohelpyou.Itwouldputtorestallthistalkthatyou ...,Cerseiunderstandstheconsequencesofherabsenceandsheisabsentanyway,whichmeansshedoesnotintendtosufferthoseconsequences.Rateit!,Ify...

Game Of Thrones

2022年10月31日 — Margaery Tyrell isn't someone who is willing to believe lies, even when they might be to her advantage. In this quote, she reveals just how much ...

Margaery Tyrell

I know what a burden you bear. You should let me share the load. There must be some things I could do to help you. It would put to rest all this talk that you ...

Margaery Tyrell Famous Quotes

Cersei understands the consequences of her absence and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. Rate it!

Margaery Tyrell Quotes

If you had to fall into a woman's arms, my son, why couldn't they have been Margaery Tyrell's? George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire ...

Margaery Tyrell Quotes from Game of Thrones

Explore the wise and cunning words of Margaery Tyrell, one of the iconic characters from the Game of Thrones series. Discover her memorable quotes and ...

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell

Quotes · Margaery Tyrell : There's something wrong. High Sparrow : You have nothing to fear, Your Grace. The trial will begin shortly. Margaery Tyrell : Cersei ...

sansa stark and margaery tyrell quotes [game of thrones]

2019年7月9日 — A collection of memorable quotes from Sansa Stark and Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones. Explore the wisdom and wit of these strong female ...

The Best Margaery Tyrell Quotes from Game of Thrones

Margaery: “I tried to do my duty as a wife.That is all.” Joffrey: “What was your duty, to this traitor, as you saw it. Margaery: “The duty of any wife, to any ...

第六台小徑車。Tyrell PKZ。鈦心動

第六台小徑車。Tyrell PKZ。鈦心動
